Numerology predictions for this week (22 October – 28 October)

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Number 1 {SUN}: {Those born on the 1st, 10th, 19th and 28th in any month}

There have been times in life when you find yourself wavering from your road to accomplishments. However, try not to let your spirits get dampened by such small obstacles and go on with your performance. People at work might try to influence or color your opinions but might not be successful in their efforts. Be open to feedback on your actions by your loved ones.
Lucky Days: Wednesday and Saturday.

Number 2 {MOON} {Those born on the 2nd, 11th, 20th and 29th in any month}

You might come across situations at the work place where your toil might get overshadowed by the diplomacy of your colleagues and their actions. Try to deftly arrange things in your favor if you do not plan others to take advantage. Students might have a hectic week and might be able to zero in at their future plan of action concerning their career.
Lucky Days: Wednesday and Saturday.

Number 3 {JUPITER} {Those born on the 3rd, 12th, 21st and 30th in any month}

Your optimism for life and belief in the goodness of others might help you come out of tricky situations at the work place. Evaluate your relationship with loved ones and try to give them their due credit. There might be small rifts that might trouble you towards the later part of the week. Nevertheless, your hard work and dedicated sincerity might act as a wall to filter those troubles.
Lucky Days: Tuesday and Friday.

Number 4 {URANUS} {Those born on the 4th, 13th, 22nd and 31st in any month}

There might be a strange sense of urgency in everything you do within this week. This particular feeling, though beneficial, might also lead to undue stress in some instances. Be patient with people who consider you their ideal and assist them in overcoming their fears. Misconceptions in personal relationships, if any, might get cleared this week and support your efforts.
Lucky Days: Wednesday and Saturday.

Number 5 {MERCURY} {those born on the 5th, 14th and 23rd in any month}

The week gone by has left you in a complicated situation where your confusions hinder your thought processes. Try to take one step at a time and untie one knot from the tangle if you plant o come out with flying colors. Financial situation might cause temporary stress but might settle down with time. There might be experiences of immediate joy from a long lost relationship.
Lucky Days: Monday and Tuesday.

Number 6 {VENUS} {those born on the 6th, 15th and 24th in any month}

Communication in all forms might turn out to be the high point this week and help you to overcome certain limitations that probably exist. People in a relationship might need to tread very carefully as the slightest misunderstanding might rock the boat. Examine financial matters from all perspectives before committing yourself in any type of partnership deal.
Lucky Days: Tuesday and Friday.

Number 7 {NEPTUNE} {those born on the 7th, 16th and 25th in any month}

Financial worries over clouding your mind in the first part of the week might get resolved, leaving you in harmony with your life. Superiors at work might make your realize your potential and nurture it further. Your discipline and neutral stance in controversial circumstances might earn you appreciation. Be careful about your health and do not neglect any kind of discomfort.
Lucky Days: Wednesday and Saturday.

Number 8 {SATURN} {those born on the 8th, 17th and 26th in any month}

Your emotions might come in the way of your success if you are not able to practice tact at the work place to sort things out. Be careful about colleagues who might act over smart in front of your seniors and try to belittle your performance. Family ties might get strengthened and you might also be able to fulfill social obligations to stand up to the expectations of others.
Lucky Days: Monday and Tuesday.

Number 9 {MARS} {those born on the 9th, 18th and 27th in any month}

There might be ample opportunities of relaxation and peace, which might envelope you in the first part of the week. Your craving for certain material comforts might also get fulfilled to some extent. However, be careful towards the later part of the week and not let lethargy influence your activities. There might be chances of increasing your wealth if you manage to view things in a different manner.
Lucky Days: Tuesday and Friday.

Numerology predictions for this week (29 October – 05 November)
Numerology predictions for this week (08 October – 14 October)
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