Numerology predictions for this week (30 July – 05 August)

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Number 1 {SUN}: {Those born on the 1st, 10th, 19th and 28th in any month}

Close relationship with a friend might have possibilities of getting developed into an intimate relationship and provide you with emotional security. Try and stick to your plans on the work front and avoid any divulgence. Give advice only when asked for by people or else they might take you and your words for granted. Avoid intellectual arguments with people who do not understand the power of the grey cells.
Lucky Days: Tuesday and Wednesday.

Number 2 {MOON} {Those born on the 2nd, 11th, 20th and 29th in any month}

Just a pendulum goes back and forth in a clock to indicate time, life also makes us experience this movement through many a situations. This probably is your current frame of mind as of now as things are getting chaotic day by day. Try and slow down a bit and try to think at peace about solutions. If you apply your mind judiciously you might come out of the situation with flying colors.
Lucky Days: Tuesday and Wednesday.

Number 3 {JUPITER} {Those born on the 3rd, 12th, 21st and 30th in any month}

Be patient about situations on the work place or else it might affect you negatively. Avoid taking hasty decisions and weigh the pros and cons clearly before signing any official documents. The later part of the week indicates setting up of processes and policies by you to facilitate yourself and develop an encouraging environment to work in for your teammates.
Lucky Days: Sunday and Thursday.

Number 4 {URANUS} {Those born on the 4th, 13th, 22nd and 31st in any month}

People in the creative field might have a hectic week ahead. There might be new avenues opening up and appreciation pouring from every quarter. However, try to take in only as much as you could probably chew and digest and avoid over-committing yourself. People who have debts to clear might expect some progress on that front as money matters might get streamlined.
Lucky Days: Tuesday and Wednesday.

Number 5 {MERCURY} {those born on the 5th, 14th and 23rd in any month}

The time does seem to be in your favor, however hard work and consistent effort may be required to achieve the goals you might have set for yourself. You might be able to fulfill the expectations people have with you in the office effectively and surprise them with your skills. Some unexpected situations on the work place might be the cause of concern and worry.
Lucky Days: Thursday.

Number 6 {VENUS} {those born on the 6th, 15th and 24th in any month}

Try and stick to the rules and avoid diversifying from situations, which require difficult decisions to be taken as far as your business is concerned. Emotional decisions might sometimes prove detrimental to the well being of all parties on board. Matters on the domestic front might get resolved through the intervention of a neutral party, giving mental peace and relief to everyone.
Lucky Days: Sunday and Thursday.

Number 7 {NEPTUNE} {those born on the 7th, 16th and 25th in any month}

The week ahead might be promising for people in the investment field and they can expect some good gains or profit. There also might be chances of an interaction with influential people, which might help you in your business at a later stage. Try and take advice from your elders in matters concerning legal aspects as it might provide new insights to the whole situation.
Lucky Days: Tuesday and Wednesday.

Number 8 {SATURN} {those born on the 8th, 17th and 26th in any month}

You might experience a kind of instability during the start of the week as far as office issues are concerned. There also might be money matters, which might need to be looked into on a war-footing basis. Nevertheless, you can probably look forward to relaxing times waiting ahead for you. People related to the education or research field might come across some new ideas or developments.
Lucky Days: Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday.

Number 9 {MARS} {those born on the 9th, 18th and 27th in any month}

The week ahead probably might bring a lot of turmoil in your personal life. Try not to be too sensitive to issues on the personal front and develop a positive approach to sort out things. There might be some hurdles at the work front but employ your capabilities to smoothen them out. People planning for a trip with the family might have to postpone their plans.
Lucky Days: Sunday and Thursday.

Numerology predictions for this week (06 August – 12 August)
Numerology predictions for this week (23 July – 29 July)
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